
Given: x + 5 > 10.Choose the graph of the solution set.

Accepted Solution

[tex]\huge\text{Hey there!}[/tex][tex]\huge\text{x + 5}\ >\huge\text{ 10}[/tex][tex]\huge\text{First you'll need to SUBTRACT by 5}[/tex][tex]\huge\text{on each of your sides!}[/tex][tex]\huge\text{x + 5 - 5}>\huge\text{ 10 - 5}[/tex][tex]\huge\text{Cancel out: 5 - 5 because it equals to 0}[/tex][tex]\huge\text{Keep: 10 - 5 because it gives us the result of 5}[/tex][tex]\huge\text{x}>\huge\text{5}[/tex][tex]\huge\text{It's an (o)(p)(e)(n)(e)(d) circle} \checkmark[/tex][tex]\huge\text{Starts off with \#5}\checkmark[/tex][tex]\boxed{\boxed{\huge\text{Answer: A.}}}[/tex] [tex]\huge\checkmark[/tex][tex]\text{Good luck on your assignment and enjoy your day!}[/tex]~[tex]\frak{LoveYourselfFirst:)}[/tex]