
A hot air balloon is at a height of 2250 feet.It descends 150 feet each minute.Find its height after 6,8,and 10 minutes..Make a table to show the pattern of heights..Write an expression for the balloon height at m minutes.

Accepted Solution

Answer:equation: y=-150m+2250Height after:6 Minutes: 1350 ft8 Minutes: 1050 ft10 Minutes: 750 ftStep-by-step explanation:We know that the hot air balloon has an initial height of 2250 ft, so that is our y-intercept (in the equation, y =mx+b, the y-intercept is b). Next you know that after every minute, the balloon goes down 150 ft. So that means -150 ft per minute. Now put it together, the equation is written as "y = 150m+2250" (since m is the required variable, that's what is written in the equation instead of x).Next, to make a table, you need to determine what value goes in the left side, the x values (the independent variables) and what goes in the right side, the y values (the dependent variables). The two variables here are Height and Time. Time is not dependent on the height of the balloon-- the height depends on how much time has passed. So Time on the left and height on the right. Next just plug in the values 6, 8, and 10 into your equation. Your answer will be the output, aka the height of the hot air balloon after x minutes.Your table should look something like this:m       y6       13508       105010       750Hope this helps :)